Apotek | Ad That Could Blow You Away Literally | Swedish Pharmacy Commercial Subway Trains Billboard
Hair-Raising Subway Ad Blows Away the Competition A clever outdoor ad from Sweden uses a bit of technology to transcend the limits of the medium.
Apotek, a pharmacy brand, outfitted subway platform ads in Stockholm with ultra-sonic sensors that discerned when a train was coming. The ad featured a model with a lush mane, and when the train came, her hair flapped in the wind and she struggled to keep it in place.
The tagline: Make your hair come alive.
The ad surfaced around the same time that another billboard, from IKEA, was using alternating red, blue and green lighting to express three different messages and underscore a point about maximizing space.
Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments. This Ingenious Subway Ad Activates When the Train Arrives Last November, British Airways unveiled billboards that interact with airplanes. Now, Swedish pharmacy chain Apotek has come up with some creepily-awesome subway ads that respond to incoming trains. To promote a new line of hair products, Apotek snuck ultrasonic sensors into digital screens on a Stockholm subway platform. The sensors monitor the train's arrival, ensuring that the model's luscious tresses are blown away each time the train pulls in.
This video shows the installation process. And here's some additional raw footage --which seems to suggest that timing the ad just right is a bit tricky. In this instance, the model's hair doesn't start blowing until well after the train first arrives. Campaña de Apotek Hjärtat en el metro de Estocolmo Clear Channel Outdoor, especialista en soluciones de comunicación, ha desarrollado una llamativa campaña en una estación de metro de Estocolmo para la compañía farmacéutica Apotek Hjärtat. Ad of the Week: Apotek Hjärtat digital poster An innocuous looking poster in a Stockholm subway proved surprising to commuters recently when the model starring in the ad reacted to the arrival of trains, with her hair blowing around as if by the wind. The digital poster, which is for haircare company Apotek Hjärtat, is our Ad of the Week.
Created by ad agency Åkestam Holst and interactive and post production company Stopp, the poster was fitted with an ultra sonic sensor so it would react to the arrival of incoming trains, though not to passing passengers. The film below shows how it worked: Apolosophy by Apotek Outdoor ad in Sweden Last year we saw a digital billboard ad for British Airways that showed a child stand up and point when a BA plane flew overhead, and this work is a similarly clever use of technology. As with the BA work, the tech is used to create an effect that is right on brand for the client. And the work even impressed Clear Channel: the ad was initially going to run for one day only but the media company saw it as such a good advert for its screens' capabilities that they kept it live for five additional days. THIS SWEDISH SUBWAY AD UNDERSTANDS HOW HARD IT IS TO KEEP YOUR HAIR NICE WHEN THE TRAIN BLOWS PAST The curious dual nature of public transportation means that the arrival of a subway train is met with both the thrill of knowing that you don't have to wait in a station anymore, and the unpleasant experience of dealing with a train that's about to zoom by you, blowing your hair and screaming in your ear. That's something that Scandinavian drug store chain Apotek decided to play with for its new interactive subway poster campaign highlighting a new line of hair care products. In this 45-second video, Apotek, agency Perfect Fools and production company Stopp demonstrate how they installed an ultrasonic sensor in digital posters, which were capable of monitoring when the trains would arrive in the station. As they do, the blonde-haired model who otherwise sits pleasantly smiling and occasionally blinking at commuters suddenly reacts--as her voluminous locks start blowing all over her face. Those in the station seem to appreciate the unexpected fun that the drug store brought to their commute, rendering an otherwise ominous tagline--"makes your hair come alive"--into a safe, friendly bit of relatable whimsy. Advertising: Now with interactive hair
The ads feature a lady with nice hair that swishes about in reaction to the trains. Haircare Poster Reacts To Train's Arrival In Stockholm Subway The Ad That Could Blow You Away Literally!
Love this ad. Very creative and interesting.
But I don't think this ad would work in Seoul because people are not going to watch the screen.
They are going to just stay in the line to take a train. Not many people are going to watch
this awesome ad. If people are not recognizing that model's hair is flapped and she is trying to keep it in place then is it still a nice ad?
Oh it would be nice if we could place this ad to the screen door in Seoul.
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